
Thanks to Bill Harney, I had the privilege to meet up with the SUPER ENERGETIC and PASSIONATE Dean Mercado. Dean energizes small business success and when you hear him speak you are fueled by the passion he has to make that happen.

Dean Mercado, Founder and CEO of Online Marketing Muscle® and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs is a well-respected marketing coach, strategist, author, and speaker with expertise on helping service-based small businesses nationally increase their visibility, credibility, and reach within their target market.

He offers a ton of great resources at his site.

I am also attaching a link to his book. Mind you, it should be studied, not read cover to cover. Enjoy!: https://www.amazon.com/Mindstretch-In…

During the conversation Dean mentioned that he started his own lawn care business. I am sensing a theme, entrepreneurs tend to start their own lawn care business or wash cars. Did you?

  • Inspiration: The path of entrepreneurship started by washing cars, cutting grass, went on to college and the first company floundered and flopped, followed by Corporate America and then went in to start his business.
  • Encouragement: To eliminate overwhelm, Simplify, clarify, focus
  • Focus: Establish a meeting rhythm, and focus on your 5 most to move closer to outcomes, and have a coach/accountability.

Have something you would like to share? Send me a message to be interviewed at https://enjoylifedaily.com/contact-us/

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