Sales Follow Up Program Mapping Day


During the mapping day, you will focus on creating an annual plan to grow your sales team with a reproducible sales follow up process.



The Sales Follow Up Program focuses your sales efforts what drive sales most…follow up.

During this mapping day, you’ll write out the those successful sales steps to free up your time so your sales team can sell more with less effort. See your sales follow up come to life inside your foundational mind map. Best practice templates ensure your communication will keep you persistent, not pesky.

Build sales follow up into a reproducible process with the philosophy: “flick one domino and having twelve fall.” One action, and many other things in your sales follow up happen.

Mapping Day Includes:

  • One (1) Mapping Day (Eight hours) to review your Before the Journey Intake.
  • Foundational Mind Map to gain clarity of areas or priority.

We’ll review other annual program options after the mapping day:

Designed for your sales team to create a reproducible follow up process.