What do you consider a failure in your business? What do you consider a success? Chances are, if you haven’t set an ideal outcome, you won’t know how to make those measurements.

Before you even promote your product and company, it is imperative that you clearly define your desired outcomes. Those ideas will be what carries you through marketing, publicity, and interest meetings. They will be what helps you measure the success and failure of your employees, and set new benchmarks for them in the coming quarter.

Setting Outcomes

Each time you visit with a new client, or talk to anyone in a business capacity, make sure you know what the outcome of that meeting is going to be. You might not be able to plan the way you get there, but having a destination will make the trip much easier.

Whatever you’re aiming to achieve, you’ll have no way of knowing how close you’ve come unless you set clear outcome and measure how close you’ve come to achieving them.

Follow the Path

Know what your desired outcomes are before you start any meeting you are going to have. This will make it so that you are clear as to how you will respond. The process doesn’t have to be so precise that you have to plan for ten minutes. This can be a thought you have before going into a meeting or taking 30 seconds to plan before you pick up the phone. Simple questions you can ask yourself when setting targets include:

  • What would I like to achieve as a result of this meeting?
  • Do I want a solid commitment or am I just simply gathering information?
  • What do I want the client to experience as a result of the interaction?
  • Do I want them to think of me as creative, as knowledgeable, as honest, as personable?

Your desired outcome determines the way you will deliver your product/service; therefore, make sure you know exactly the desired outcome.

For instance, if your objective is to gain insight, you will ask more questions about challenges, needs, and goals. If you are simply trying to build rapport and promote your service, you will focus on adding value and pointing out how your service fits their challenge, need, or goals. All of these factors are important; but when you are thinking about your desired outcome, combined with theirs, you can stay more focused and apply the most relevant technique for the task. You want to adapt your approach based on your ideal outcome.

“X” marks the spot

You approach a prospect with the following outlook: “Knowing my prospect will have to consult with other sales professionals, my outcome is to simply gain an understanding of my prospect’s needs. I would like to show how my product or service will resolve those needs. I will use facts and testimonials to fulfill the logic behind the sale, but I will also remember to add value first and tie them in emotionally. I will tie clients to my product emotionally by giving them a sense of how they will feel working with me and reaching their goal.”

By setting outcomes, you are essentially giving yourself a laundry list of things to cover in a meeting – the perfect way to cover any nerves you may have!

Start Soon

Prior to meeting with a client know exactly what you want the outcome to be. The only way you can do this is through setting outcomes!

For example, I want to walk out of this meeting with at least four to five key questions answered so I can develop an effective proposal. Additionally, know what you are selling (i.e. you are selling results but you first identify how your product can satisfy their needs). Show how it will be worthwhile and successful for you and them. Decide what specifically will make it successful for you and the client.

You are probably setting outcomes frequently and you don’t even realize it! Now, you just have to make a cognizant effort to set targets that are specific.
Start Now

If you are still having trouble setting targets or would like to have some help getting there, I invite you to visit my YouTube Channel for videos that can help inspire you.

I encourage you to enjoy life daily.