
I met up with Karen on the way out to the parking lot after the Matt Kahn event on Saturday. She took on the impromptu interview to share about the inspiration for the golden light retreat center. She also shared what she does to enjoy life daily.

  • How do you enjoy life daily? (0:48) : Remind myself of all the beauty around myself, set an alarm on her phone on the hour, every hour she does a gratitude prayer.
  • Inspiration (1:37) : When she would come to Sedona a pray for people, they would get healed. She decided to move and miracles quadrupled. She had the inspiration to start the Golden Light Retreat Center.
  • Encouragement : (2:25) Everything happens in divine time, there is a silver lining and you can find something good in this situation.
  • Focus (3:10) : Breathing, taking a deep breathe. Breathing grounds, centers her.

Thanks for sharing Karen and for those of you out there, please like my Facebook page.

Have something you would like to share? Send me a message to be interviewed at https://enjoylifedaily.com/contact-us/

I encourage you to #enjoylifedaily.